Tuesday, December 22, 2009

Claire's Story: Chapter 10

“No, it’s not like that,” Claire pleaded with Brooke, “We just met! If something had happened I would’ve told you, I promise.” Claire couldn’t hide her joy from her friend for long however, and they both started laughing excitedly, prompting their horses to speed their gait.

“So, what’s he like? Do you have a picture?” Brooke’s questions tumbled out faster than Claire could even begin to answer. “What does he do for a living? Is he taller than you?”

“Brooke, chill out, I’ll answer everything, I promise. Just take a breath.”

“Well, it’s not fair that you didn’t tell me till just now. I’ve been cooped up in that stupid vet school for months without even the slightest bit of romance and I’m more than just a little desperate for it, even if it’s not my own,” Claire’s best friend spewed with a huff.

The two girls were miles outside of Flatland, enjoying a leisurely horseback ride on a beautiful spring day. Brooke had come home over the break, and the pair had been catching up and trading stories as if they hadn’t seen each other in years.

“Okay, I can’t wait any longer, spill it!”

“I know, I know. Okay, so he’s from Canyon, grew up there. He played football at WT, so yes, to answer your always-important first question, he is taller than me.” Claire teased. “He’s a lot taller actually, like 6’5” or 6’6”, and big. Like broad, muscular big, not fat.”

“Uh huh, go on!”

“Umm, his hair is perfect, really dark and wavy, and a little longer than you’d expect a cowboy to wear it. It’s that length that just makes you wanna run your fingers through it, and then grab hold and tug on it a little.”

“Oh God, Claire! You’re making me imagine doing that just from your description. Oh geez, it’s been way too long,” Brooke groaned with desire. “Keep going, I need a better visual. The face, tell me about his face.”

“Thick eyebrows, heavy lashes, really strong bone structure. His eyes…a gorgeous, bright turquoise color. And he has little crinkles at the corners, like he’s always about to laugh. And dimples in his cheeks that are almost always there. So cute. And Brooke, his lips are so full and wide, mmm, they’re delicious…”

“What about his hands. Let’s hear it.”

“Yep. I knew you’d ask. Possibly one of his best features. Athlete hands. Cowboy hands. Big, strong, calloused, but clean, so beautiful. And veiny, ohh, veiny and muscular forearms. Just like I like ‘em.”

“Yum-meee! Me too.” Claire’s friend said with a lustful sigh. “He sounds absolutely gorgeous. So any vanity complexes to go along with his good looks?”

“Nope. Not that I’ve seen so far anyway. He actually seemed kind of modest the couple times I saw him without a shirt on,” Claire said shaking her head.

“What?! Whoa whoa whoa!” she said, causing her horse to stop abruptly. “No, not you Wendy, sorry,” she said, kicking her horse gently to get her moving again. “I thought you said you ‘just met’. You’ve seen him shirtless? And twice? I need details, pronto.”

With a laugh at both Brooke and her horse’s confused expressions, Claire proceeded to tell the juicy details of how she and Sean had met. And with more adamant probing by her sex-deprived friend, she went on to describe her fairly innocent encounters with her half-naked crush.

“Wow. I’m just shocked Claire.”

“Shocked? Why are you so shocked?”

“Well, it’s just not like you to be so brazen, to just stay at some guy’s house that you hardly know.”

“Hey, you say that like I’m some boring old maid. I can be wild and adventurous,” Claire said, pretending to be offended.

“You know what I mean!” Brooke contended. “It’s just that it could have been dangerous. I’m surprised that’s all.”

“Yeah, I know. And I did think about that, really. But I’d talked to Darla about him, and felt reassured. Plus, it was like we had this instant connection and I had this gut feeling, like I could trust him.”

“Turns out your gut feeling was right,” Brooke said with a wink. “So where’s he taking you tonight?”

“I don’t know exactly. It’s not even a one-on-one kind of date, it’s some group thing. I’m riding with Darla and Tom, and we’re gonna meet Sean in Lubbock for dinner.”

“So you’re sure it’s not gonna be a problem with me staying the night at your place?”

“Whatever Brooke, it’s way too early for that,” Claire retorted, rolling her eyes. “Race ya home!” and with that she and Emmy sped off, leaving Brooke and Wendy in a cloud of thick red dust.

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